Standard Launch
Vendor:Alessandro Zamboni et al
Product:International Kindle Profits
Launch Date:2013-Jul-16
Launch Time:11:30 EDT
Front-End Price: $10
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:WarriorPlus 

Contact Names: Alessandro Zamboni and Antonio De Santis
Contact Us At: Email: [email protected] // Skype:
Product: International Kindle Profits
Type: Ebook
Niche: Amazon Kindle publishing

Launch Date: Tuesday, July 16 at 11:30 AM EST
Platform: Warrior Plus
JV Page:
Front End Price: $9.95 to $17.00 (Dimesale)
OTO Price: $17.00
Commissions: 50% on Front End and 50% on OTO
Prizes: Yes. Available to the best 10 affiliates..

Product description:

“International Kindle Profits” is a 3 step system that takes care of everything regarding ebook formatting, publishing, advertising and reviews on Kindle platform.
We have taken care of everything you need to make your next ebook a winner over competitor’s ones. The ebook offers more than 60 pages of everything to do before, during and after the launch.
No one has ever took care of so many things in a unique source like this. Are you ready to discover the unique and real Amazon Kindle publishing encyclopedia?
Our research comes from the sale of more than 300 ebooks on Amazon Kindle!

Thanks so much and see you soon!
Alessandro Zamboni & Antonio De Santis


International Kindle Profits

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