Standard Launch
Vendor:Alessandro Zamboni et al
Product:Email Cash Supremacy
Launch Date:2014-Feb-19
Launch Time:11:00 EST
Front-End Price: $10
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:WarriorPlus 
Niche:Affiliate Marketing 

Welcome to our Email Cash Supremacy JV launch page, by Alessandro Zamboni and Gavin Birchall! “Email Cash Supremacy” is a product we created thanks to our big experience in email marketing. Affiliate product sales contribute each and every month to our income, and so why not creating a good and solid product that shows how to increase email opening rates and clicks for each email you send out.

Because if it’s true that many internet marketers have a list, it’s also true that a good part of them is not making money from it, and each day that passes without sending them news, that list dies in no time. In this ebook we talk about:

1) How to find most converting offers on the top 3 affiliate networks.
2) How to build perfect messages, and when to send them out.
3) How to empower your subject line to increase openings and clicks.
4) Recap of the entire process with 8 steps checklist.

Everyone, newbies included, can be trained to achieve success with their own email list. And more you care about your subscribers, more success you will get back. Try this course and be amazed by the real results!

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