Standard Launch
Vendor:Alessandro Zamboni et al
Product:Coloring Books for Adults
Launch Date:2015-Jul-28
Launch Time:10:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $10
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:WarriorPlus 

Hello and welcome to “Coloring Books for Adults” JV Page!

This product comes in eBook format and it’s step by step training with screenshots that will help your customers to create and launch an adult’s coloring book on Amazon CreateSpace. This niche is literally exploding since the month of May and June 2015, so NOW is the right time to jump in.

Consider the first book of this category made more than 105,000 sales and even one in the middle of the search results achieved 55,000 sales. These are incredible results and for this reason we created a guide that gives the reader the possibility to read about:

  • 6 winning characteristics of a winning adult’s coloring book.
  • The winning book types, with step by step tutorials on free software and paid software.
  • How to create the book from zero.
  • How to sell it on Amazon CreateSpace like a real book.
  • How to bring a lot of traffic to it.
  • How to build a list of your customers in a new incredible way.
  • And much much more!

Your readers will be able to launch a new book with only 3 hours of work
, even once a day if they like the idea, because there are no limits, there’s no need to place text and they can sell them all over the world.

All of my previous 5 Kindle products received hundreds and hundreds of sales, so if you decide to promote this you are making a really good choice. This is huge, new and never seen on the market.

Thanks so much and see you soon!
Alessandro Zamboni & Neil Day

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