Standard Launch
Vendor:Alessandro Zamboni
Product:Coloring Books Membership
Launch Date:2016-Jun-21
Launch Time:09:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $10
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:JVZoo 



Coloring books are everywhere, but creation of the required images takes up a lot of time… That’s why I created a low cost membership that gives access to 50 drawings per month plus an amazing bonus package for more images.

The 50 images consist of:

The buyers can find their items inside my membership site. They can do everything with the images, including:

The only thing they can’t do is sell the package as is.

Images come with a full PLR license. This is a unique package coming from the original creator of the first “coloring books for adults guide” sold on Warrior Plus.

Thanks so much,
Alessandro Zamboni

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