Standard Launch
Vendor:Alessandro Zamboni
Product:Children Books Empire
Launch Date:2019-Jul-18
Launch Time:10:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $17
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:WarriorPlus 




Hello and welcome to the Children’s Books Empire JV Page!

This is a fresh book publishing video course, where I analyze and show two incredible new genres inside children’s books on Amazon, where your customers can publish zero-content paper books.
The 14 videos of this course will guide your customers through the genre with tutorials and step-by-step action plans to show them everything they must learn to become zero-content books publishers for kids.
Requests for the two genres of this guide are going through the roof, and these books take no more than one or two days to be ready for printing. And Amazon will sell and ship them sending back commissions.
Inside this video training, your customers can discover:
– What is this zero-content genre and how it works.
– 2 types of books to start creating.
– Where to find exactly what you need, for free.
– Where to find the perfect fonts.
– How to outsource your paper book cover.
– The creation phase for the 2 book types
– And much, much more.
This is a ready-made system very easy to put in place, and it has been made to work in a children’s genre that works like crazy and that will grow in the years to come. Every kid in the world needs at least 2 of these books, and parents have no problems in purchasing them.
The funnel is based on different sub-genres of the same niche, and here is the list for you.
OTO1 is about the next big trend after adult coloring books. This time the trend involves children, and here I show how to create 3 types of these new books. In video format, it sells for $27.
OTO2 is another video series, this time about game books for children, another excellent trend. I show 7 different game books that can be created with free tools. This sells for $47.
OTO3 is my proven high-ticket course called “Self Publishing Kingdom” and selling for $297. A huge video series on how to publish books on Kindle, paper books and audiobooks, with a lot more topics.
Thanks so much and see you on the leaderboard!
Alessandro Zamboni
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