Standard Launch
Vendor:Alessandro Zamboni
Product:Audiobooks Empire
Launch Date:2020-Mar-03
Launch Time:10:00 EST
Front-End Price: $17
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:WarriorPlus 




Hello and welcome to Audiobooks Empire official JV Page!

This product is all about how to create audiobooks from your Kindle books, and sell them on a variety of different platforms including Amazon and Google Play. Over the years, audiobooks have been selling incredibly well, and now they are worth over 1.2 billion dollars, only in the US.
So, our video course comes at the right time to provide all the information needed by authors to profit from this new goldmine. The course will work for authors in the US as well as all over the World.
Here is a hint about the content of this course:
– The difference between ACX and other publishing platforms.
– How to publish your book to ACX step by step.
– Best practices for your audiobooks.
– How to find a good narrator for cheap.
– Discover the best website to get narrators if you are a foreigner (and you don’t live in the US).
– How to publish your audiobooks.
– How to promote your audiobooks.
– And much more.
The front-end sells for $17 at 50% commissions.
OTO1 is Audiobooks Sales Accelerator, and it’s all about methods to promote audiobooks that will greatly improve results, and it goes for $27 at 50% commissions.

OTO2 is Audiobooks Reviews Maximizer, and includes three methods on how to get reviews, and goes for $47 at 50% commissions.

OTO3 is Kindle Business, my high-ticket course about Kindle, paper books and audiobooks that sells for $297 at 30%.

I really hope to count you in for this giant launch!
Thanks so much and see you on the leaderboard!
Alessandro Zamboni & Andreas Quintana
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