Standard Launch
Vendor:Alessandro Zamboni
Product:6-Page Ebooks Empire
Launch Date:2022-Aug-15
Launch Time:10:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $17
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:WarriorPlus 

“6-Page Ebooks Empire” is a step-by-step video course on how to write easy six pages ebooks for the Kindle marketplace on a lot of topics, into a brand new hot niche.

This is an incredible course because this is a niche that is selling like crazy, and no one at the moment noticed this apart me, and the author who created a few books about this business, without even monetizing them.

The front-end price is $17 at a 50% commission.
The OTO1 gives access to other two niches, and ore traffic strategies. It sells for $27 at a 50% commission.
OTO2 gives your customers access to three ebooks we created for them, at $27 and always at a 50% commission.

OTO3 is a set of two ebooks about Kindle publishing that come with Private Label Rights. The cost will be $47 at 50% commissions.

Finally, there’s the OTO4 that is my Self-Publishing Kingdom course, selling for $297 at 50% commissions.

We hope to count you in for this top Kindle/Publishing launch!
Thanks a lot, and see you on the leaderboard!
Alessandro Zamboni & Stefano Pierro
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