Standard Launch
Vendor:Alessandro Zamboni
Product:2016 Product Creation & Launch Coaching
Launch Date:2016-Jan-13
Launch Time:10:00 EST
Front-End Price: 47
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:WarriorPlus 

Hello and welcome to the “2016 Product Creation & Launch Group Coaching” JV page!

This product is my first group coaching for product creation and its eventual launch onto the market, and will include the same topics found inside my $600 1-on-1 coaching. After watching the 3 live webinars (replays are provided), your customers will be able to brainstorm, develop and launch their products, which can be ebooks or video courses.

They will get my help with their first product and they can also access a secret FB group for participating in a real community of likeminded  product launchers.

This course is without a doubt the most well developed, as I took my experience of my first 8 years of product launches, with more than 40 awesome courses released, to elaborate a step by step action plan for your customers.

Here is a recap of what the 3 webinars will include,

Webinar 1 – Product Brainstorming

•    How to get a constant flow of product ideas.
•    The 6 ‘hidden places’ where you can find new trends.
•    How to receive trends and ideas in your email box.
•    Learn how to separate garbage info from pure gold.
•    How to keep track of your ideas and collect more of them.

Webinar 2 – Product Creation

•    How to perfectly format your document.
•    What you can’t really forget to put in your guide.
•    What to use for recording a state of the art video.
•    How to give order to your ideas.
•    The right size or length for a good product.
•    The right funnel to sell like crazy.
•    Case Study on my new product launch.
•    How to create a wonderful sales letter without being a copywriting genius.

Webinar 3 – Product Launch

•    How to create your graphical sales page in 2 different ways.
•    How to setup your funnel on WarriorPlus.
•    The right way to get testimonials.
•    The prelaunch phase explained.
•    The best JV links to advertise your launch.
•    The day of the launch.
•    One month after. What to do with your old products.

As usual I will put all of myself into these webinars, showing my expertise in the field and uncovering all the secrets of this area of the market.

Whoever follows this course will be able to launch their first product in the next 2 weeks and without any more barriers. A huge opportunity that will sell for $47, a price which will continue to rise with the time.


The first OTO is a mindset development course that will guide the customer through all the risks of marketing and help them emerge as a winner.

No more bad expectations, no more useless purchases, no more writers block and no more obstacles on the path to success. This is a gem of over 60 pages… something that can really change everyone’s mindset.

The second OTO is a software program that provides a collection of my top 15 webinars which I created for my closed coaching group, a ginormous value which sold for a low price. The software is primarily for Windows systems but Mac users can access the same videos on an HTML page for their pleasure.

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