Standard Launch
Vendor:Cindy Donovan
Product:AI Launchpad Live
Launch Date:2025-Mar-17
Launch Time:7:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $5
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:ThriveCart 

PLEASE NOTE: This is not a regular launch…!

This is an opportunity to partner with me, in promoting a three day live event we’ll be holding – and sharing upgrade and recurring commissions with you.

The event is just $5 – you will get 100% commissions, then more on the upgrade.  We’ll also promote this (with your cookies) throughout the event.

Upgrades will be credited to you, as we’re hardcoding throughout (including recurring) 


You CANNOT send direct to the affiliate link.  If you want to promote this offer, please follow the instructions on our affiliate page here

And if you have any questions, reach out to me (cindy.battye <- on skype) – thanks!

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