Standard Launch
Vendor:Andreas Quintana
Product:A.I. Google Cash Books
Launch Date:2024-Apr-04
Launch Time:10:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $17
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Affiliate Network:WarriorPlus 

[AI Google Cash Books Now Launching Next Week!]

I’ve moved back the AI Google Cash Books launch to next week, Thursday, April 4th… Why?

To make YOU more money!

Here’s a sneak peek at what’s going on in the meantime behind-the-scenes:

1.  I paid a 7-figure copywriter (Shane Nathan) to overhaul the sales copy…

2. I’m adding even MORE value to the training with videos & bonuses…

3. I put a weekly recurring upsell on the backend (which is also getting a copy makeover!)…

Mark your calendar. Save the date. Set up a wakeup call  🤣

Don’t miss this launch – it’s going to be my best one yet!

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