Standard Launch
Product:RM Azon Slayer
Launch Date:2012-Dec-16
Launch Time:11:00 EST
Front-End Price: $7
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:JVZoo 
Niche:Affiliate Marketing bring you 100% Commissions!

Affiliate Domination in Minutes
Automation software and training videos and pdf

Product Name: rmazonslayer
IM Sub Niche: Amazon, Affiliate marketing, Social Media,Software
Product Type: software + Training + Bonuses
Launch Date: Sunday Dec 16th at 11AM USA EST
FE Offer: = $7,
BE Offer: $17 (Traffic Software and Training)
Commissions: up to 100% FE, 50% BE
JV Page:
Sales page warrior forum
Affiliate Platform JV Zoo instant pay
Contact: Wah Bhatti
Skype: Wah.Bhatti

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