Standard Launch
Product:WP Social Locker
Launch Date:2012-Dec-14
Launch Time:11:00 EST
Front-End Price: $9
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:ProductPay 
Niche:Social Media 

WP Social Locker allows you to lock specified content on your website until the user clicks on one of the social buttons (Facebook Like, Tweet Button, Google +1) and shares your content. Lock your discount codes, best videos or download links, articles, images, bonus content, forms and more! All it takes is a couple clicks and you are all set up to go truly viral.

The best thing is that it comes with built-in analytics, this way you will always know which channels are bringing the most traffic.

At the sweet price point of $9 on the front-end (this version includes built-in analytics) people are literally going to snap this, so make sure to join me for a profitable launch that will make your customers happy!

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