Standard Launch
Vendor:Daniel Brinzaru
Product:Profit Sucking Emails
Launch Date:2016-Feb-15
Launch Time:11:00 EST
Front-End Price: $7
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:JVZoo 
Niche:List Building 


FRONT END OFFER ($7 – 100% Commission ) – “Profit Sucking Emails” was designed to help boost conversion rates and increase profit with superior emailing tactics using the best emailing techniques in the industry.

They will learn the Who, What, When, Where, Why and How to Crafting High Converting Emails that will have readers eating out of the palm of your hand. I will show them step by step exactly how to do it.

I’ve compiled this evergreen guide with all the information they will ever need when it comes to writing and sending out High Quality Emails. Some of the info here will be contradictory to what all the “Gurus” are saying, but unlike theory, this training is based on real life.

UPSELL 1 ($17-50% Commission) – These are generally copy and paste templates that they can take and use on their own list to create a relationship as they build it.

This product is called “List Booster X”

DOWNSELL ($10 – 50% Commission) Same product List Booster X with lower price.

UPSELL 2 ($27-50% Commission) – I’ve compiled a 180 days Email Swipes which they can use to run their own campaigns

UPSELL 3 ($47 – 50% Commission) – “Swipe File Impact”. Each of these swipe files has a minimum of100, swipes that they can use. They will be spoilt for choice and can pick from a large variety if they are at a loss for words (which will never happen with swipes like these!)


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