Standard Launch
Vendor:Andre Stoelinga et al
Product:WP Certify
Launch Date:2015-Sep-17
Launch Time:11:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $37
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:JVZoo 


WP Certify is a One of a Kind WP plugin that simulates a product download system based on membership, with its own registration and login page for purchased products, without the hassle of complicated configuration of access levels and WITH file protection…be it for sold products, paid membership content or opt in incentives. Yes, even links on download pages for opt in “feebies” are protected.

Download links that are shared in any way simply WON’T WORK !

It uses the WP users system, but with specified access for users depending on their purchase or optin, configured in the easy intuitive settings interface in the WP admin area.

Unauthorized visitors can be redirected to any URL (sales page, optin page, etc.)

A simple short code solves ALL your membership and product theft problems !

Forget expensive complicated membership scripts of which you only use the basic functionality anyway…

They’ll NEVER be as easy as WP Certify.

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