Standard Launch
Vendor:Ciprian Macovei
Product:Push Button Covers
Launch Date:2015-Jul-18
Launch Time:11:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $13
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:JVZoo 

Hi everyone, we are very excited to announce our next product launch:

Push Button Covers

Launch date : July 19 2015, 11.00 AM EST

PUSH BUTTON COVERS is a bundle of 40 book cover templates covering the top niches out there.
These will save your clients time and money especially because no special software is needed to modify the covers.
They can modify the graphics with a program that they probably already have installed, MS Word.

This is a perfect photos collection for:

Graphic Designers
Internet Marketers
Offline Marketers
Small Business Owners
Membership Owners

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