Standard Launch
Vendor:Dan Lew
Product:Keyword Domainizer
Launch Date:2012-Nov-05
Launch Time:09:00 EST
Front-End Price: 17
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:WarriorPlus 
Niche:SEO & Traffic 

Earn Up to $65.50 per sale on 5th November, 9am EST

Keyword Domainizer is a powerful new all in one software blasts out profitable low competition keywords and valuable DOMAINS in any niche imaginable with the deadly speed and ferocity of a blazing machine gun.

The main product will be selling for $17 dimesale with $37 outsourcer license option and the OTO – $27 dimesale is another piece of software for finding valuable keywords on Youtube, Google, Yahoo etc.

Then OTO 2 will be access to Community at $67

Breakdown of Pricepoints:
Front – $17 Dimesale
Front – $37 (Outsourcer license)
OTO 1 – $27 Dimesale
OTO 2 – $67

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