Standard Launch
Vendor:Dr Alex Davidovic
Product:Animator Professional
Launch Date:2015-Apr-03
Launch Time:19:30 EDT
Front-End Price: $17
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:JVZoo 

animator professional

We are truly excited about the upcoming launch of Animator Professional + Photo Magic, independently two of our best selling Creative suite products, now combined into one powerful design and animation solution.

As you may already be aware, “promotional videos” have become the “Go To” solution for showcasing of  digital products, with explainer videos quickly becoming the benchmark in use for SAAS products and other multi featured services to the market at large.

Today people are more than familiar with how much graphic designers charge for good quality graphics, especially GIF banners, which are the highest converting graphics and now combined with the standard requirement for a “promotional video” , you are up for a pretty penny!

Animator Professional + Photo Magic, provides an easy to use solution for designers and newbies, looking to create quick promotional videos from the ability instantly edit still images and create animated Gif banners to impressive stop motion videos, all without having to source expensive designers.

Your commission is 50%, both for Animator Professional ($17.00), and the Lifetime Upgrades OTO ($17.00), which we now also offering, due to prior conversions topping 39%, when the products where offered independently.

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