Standard Launch
Vendor:David Schardt
Product:Mobile Mail Domination
Launch Date:2012-Oct-30
Launch Time:12:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $8.97 - $15.97 Dimesale
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:WarriorPlus 

If you have any kind of Offline list, you will do extremely well with this.

Here’s what this WSO is all about…

I put together a pdf guide the shows 2 different Direct Mail Campaigns that I’ve been using with fantastic results in my own Offline Business for the past 8 months.  I use these direct mail pieces to sell mobile websites & text message marketing, but they can be used to sell any consulting services.

This is not a theory based WSO!  It’s teaching the exact strategies that I’ve used to make a ton of money.  I’m going to start this off at $8.97 on a dimesale.  and I have it set at 60% commission, but if you put your name & email on the right here you will get a bump code that will give you 75% commissions.

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