Standard Launch
Vendor:Bertran Queck
Product:Solo Ad Stampede
Launch Date:2014-Nov-25
Launch Time:12:00 EST
Front-End Price: $10
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:JVZoo 
Niche:List Building 

Solo Ad Stampede

It is a 44 pages, PDF report of getting into the solo ad business, aimed at absolute internet marketing beginners.

Now, I understand some people feel that solo ads is bad business, however, it is GOLD to absolute beginners.

Let me give you 3 reasons why:
1) I struggled 2 years trying to do things like list building, email marketing, affiliate marketing, product creation, but those did not work for me. Why? Because it is just too much for a beginner to take in. There is too much learning and risk involved in the above mentioned methods.

2) About a year ago, I made my first $1000 online with solo ads. At that time, the rest of my online income, accumulated was less than $300.

3) I coached 4 absolute newbies and they are now bringing in minimum $2000 a month. What I mean when I say absolute newbies, is that they have never heard of internet marketing and they don’t even know what Clickbank or WSO is.

I documented the whole process of starting a solo ad business together with my students, and condensed all of that into a straight to the point, actionable PDF.

Inside, I go into the exact steps from creating a building the foundation of every online business, Hosting, Domain, and AWeber, to click tracking and funnel creation.

These are the same things needed for every successful internet marketer.

And it opens up a world of possibilities to otherwise, struggling newbies.

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