Standard Launch
Product:PLR Inspector
Launch Date:2016-Mar-23
Launch Time:00:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $37
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:JVZoo 

Hi Guys!

PLR Inspector will be offered steeply discounted to the public from March 16 – 31 2016. It has done thousands in sales and now there are even more great products in there.

New PLR is added each month and the program is 2 years old now.

V1 allowed you to look inside 2000 PLR products and cherrypick files to create new products.and in the latest version you can edit the salespages from inside the program too.

The program had been released as a subscription and as a one off purchase depending on when people discovered it. After trialing both methods I have decided to open it up for a week 2-3 times a year for a low price. This retains the exclusivity.

So let everyone know and, like previous partners, make thousands from a single email blast.

The jv page at has more info, swipes, etc

Get your link at and if you have any questions
drop me a line at [email protected]


Stev –

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