Standard Launch
Vendor:Veit Schenk et al
Product:PBN Safety Course
Launch Date:2014-Sep-24
Launch Time:15:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $47
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:JVZoo 
Niche:SEO & Traffic 
Hey there,
if you have a list that’s into SEO, you (and they) will love this:
Google has just crushed a whole bunch of PBNs (private blog networks) which are all the rage at the moment
The forums are FULL of people reporting that their PBNs have been de-indexed (and with it all rankings they got for their money sites).
Even the big guys who have been selling PBN courses have been hit …
… apart from one.
None other than Stephen Floyd.
who has been able to pick pretty major holes into pretty much any PBN course out there.
Anyway, I’ve twisted his arm and he’s put together an “Emergency PBN course” to help people safeguard their investment
(a good PBN can easily go into the hundreds, if not thousands of $ to set up!)
and it’s going live tomorrow, 3pm Eastern.
Request your links here: (it’s my JVZoo account, but I’m only helping him out, it’s Stephen’s product-launch)
I vouch 100% for him, I’ve known him for years, and he’s the ONLY person I listen to when it comes to SEO!
We did a webinar together the other day, and it was truly mindblowing.
And this course is even better – true “look over the shoulder, step-by-step ‘how to bullet-proof your PBN’ so Google can’t detect it“.
Awesome stuff
if you have any questions, you can get Stephen on skype: seo.floyd
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