Standard Launch
Vendor:Darren Ross
Product:WP FlexiWidget (PLR Offer)
Launch Date:2014-Oct-13
Launch Time:00:01 EDT
Front-End Price: $7-$27
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:JVZoo 

Click Here To Get Your Link To Promote!

Earn up to $64 (and rising) per sale with this high converting funnel. Apply now and grab your links while this product is fresh and the offer is still going strong.

My last launch sold over 150+ copies and made almost $3,000 for affiliates.

What is it?
With WP FlexiWidget, you can easily create as many widgets as you’d like and using a menu on your post / page editor, easily insert any of the widgets into the main content of your post – AT FULL WIDTH.

This means that you can create widgets for images, text blurbs, certain scripts, and even commonly used features on your WordPress website.And they will display on the main section of your post, rather than in the sidebar like they usually do.

You can then easily recall them in any page or post that you create, as many times as you’d like, using the built-in short code.

The possibilities are limitless with this plugin. You can save time and get extremely creative with the functionality of this product.


Launch Date is October 13th, 2014 at 12:01 AM EST

Click here for more details…

The funnel is interesting for this one, so pay attention carefully.

On the front end, the visitor will be presented 3 options for this product.

The reason the front end is set up this way is so that you can promote this offer to a MASSIVE array of potential buyers.  From the good old WordPress users, all the way to the marketers that are always looking for a new product to slap their name on and / or resell.

Similar to my previous launches, the business in a box package contains 2 sales pages and thank you pages (Front End and Upsell), sales video, swipes, banners w/ source files, and everything necessary to start selling this product on their own.

The next part is going to be a MASSIVE seller.  After the “rebranded” offer, the visitors are offered a product I’ve created called the “Phantom Rebranding Suite” which is a Java based software that can rebrand WordPress plugins super easily – best yet – it works on EVERY Operating System! Mac, PC, Linux – all of them! There’s also a corresponding WordPress plugin that allows the user to rebrand plugins from within the WordPress dashboard. This suite goes for $17+ (dimesale) and has a ton of awesome bonuses that can be used in conjunction with the software.

On the SAME page, they’re presented with an opportunity to purchase the PLR license for the Phantom Rebranding Suite Business In A Box at $37+ (dimesale). This is a RIDICULOUS deal because they get both the plugin and the software, the ENTIRE SOURCE CODE, sales page, graphics, swipes, and everything else in between. It’s ready to upload and start selling as your (or their) own immediately from the purchase.

The goal here is to get the visitors in the door with initial offer on the front end – and then you can make a HUGE amount on the back end from the sales funnel.
The sales funnel is where the REAL fun starts.  You get 50% commission on every product in this funnel no matter what.

Sales Funnel Details:

Front End: $7+ at 100%, $17+ at 50%, $27+ at 50%

OTO 1: $17+ at 50%, $37+ at 50%

OTO 2: $27+ at 50%, $37+ at 50%

OTO 3: $17+ at 50%, $27+ at 50%


Check out all of the details including the demos, the funnel, see the sales pages, the duration, launch details and more:

Click here for more details…

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