Standard Launch
Launch Date:2022-Aug-25
Launch Time:11:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $200
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:WarriorPlus 

Ultimate Call CRM

Measure calls, Manage leads, Callbacks, Campaigns, Book sales appointments using feature rich tools accessible within a very friendly user interface

Exclusive Features built
to make Call Measurement easy for you!

Web Call Dialer

Initiate a call at the click of a button right from within your SmartCallCRM dashboard

Campaign Management

Create unlimited Campaigns and start making and measuring calls from SmartCallCRM’s intuitive dashboard

Import/Export leads

Import your leads automatically into SmartCallCRM via text or CSV files. Export your leads at the click

Manage Callbacks

Want to reach out to a lead who wasn’t active at the time of call? SmartCallCRM got you fully covered

Book sales appointments

Want to catch up with a lead at a later time to close a deal? SmartCallCRM

Send emails to customers

Send emails to your leads during and after calls to keep in touch

Email Template Management

Create and manage Email Templates from within SmartCallCRM to use for sending mails to leads during and after calls

Form builder

Create Custom Form Fields to extend existing fields for better management of leads data

Call History with time log

Track and analyse all calls made from within SmartCallCRM. Keep track of the time calls were made and the duration for which each call lasted

Sales members management

SmartCallCRM allows you create and manage Unlimited sales members from within its dashboard

Multi language support

Translate SmartCallCRM to any language of your choice from within the dashboard

Team member management

Create team members/agents and assign them specific campaigns with leads to attend to on call


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