Standard Launch
Vendor:Jon Dykstra
Product:FB Niche Explosion
Launch Date:2014-Jan-07
Launch Time:13:00 EST
Front-End Price: $10
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:JVZoo 
Niche:Social Media 

I wasn’t going to publish this guide because I’m killing it with my fitness niche business.  But I was sharing what I was doing with a fellow internet marketer in the fitness niche showing him the ropes.

He LOVED what I was doing and started doing exactly what I was doing.  It worked for him.  He said I should really put down what I do in a guide to help other people.

I decided to do just that – the result is FB Niche Explosion.  It’s a step-by-step process I took to get 116,000 Facebook fans, drive nearly 250,000 website visits to my fitness blog and build up a 13,000+ email subscriber list in just over 3 months.

Profits?  Yes, big profits – 5 figures in profits.

It’s a simple system to kill it in many niches.  Anyone into internet marketing will benefit.

Do the methods still work?  Yes, better than ever.  Facebook fans number over 140,000 (as of November 28/13).  Email subscribers over 15,500.  Profits are up and growing.  On November 27, 2013 I generated over 13,200 website visits in one day (and over $300 in profit).

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