Standard Launch
Vendor:Colin Heath
Product:Money List Maker
Launch Date:2013-Dec-02
Launch Time:15:00 EST
Front-End Price: $7-$12
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:WarriorPlus 
Niche:List Building 

Hey Fellow Marketers,

I have a launch happening 2nd December at 3pm EST

Money List Maker launches offering new marketers everything they need to get started immediately building a list marketing business.

$7-$12 dime sale with 60% commissions.

Here is the JV page, video overview of product on this page and signup to the launch list. Affiliate links will be live next week!

If you need anything to help with a successful campaign hit me up on here or the contact details on JV page.

Invite your friends to this launch on Facebook:  

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