Standard Launch
Vendor:DIME Consultants
Product:Create Cool Apps
Launch Date:2012-Aug-24
Launch Time:12:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $17 - $27 Dimesale
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:JVZoo 

Create Cool Apps is a monthly membership service to let people create their own apps.

Right now its listed in pre-launch, with a teaser WSO at: 

It is a monthly membership, so commissions will also be Monthly.

It starts as a dimesale as follows:

Personal account: $17-27/mo

Business account: $37-47/mo

OTO: (One at this time) – a “Done for you” option where we create the first app for $97

Commissions are 50% residual (oto is not residual, but will remain for future buyers, except the price will gradually increase to $147).

JV signup is here:

JV Info page (Being updated):

FE : $17 – $27/mo (Personal account) at 50%

$37 – $47 at 50% (Business account) at 50%

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