Event:Webwinkel Vakdagen
Location/City:Utrecht, Netherlands
Topic:eCommerce, Retail
Price to Attend:



The biggest e-commerce event of the Benelux will celebrate its 14th edition this year: Webwinkel Vakdagen 2020. After 13 successful years, with a record number of 12.715 visitors last year, a brand-new edition will be hosted in 2020 with the most inspiring speakers, relevant themes and numerous exhibitors.


Webwinkel Vakdagen revolves around e-commerce. Due to the continuous development of e-commerce and digital technology, the way society consumes is transforming. How do you stay up-to-date and make sure you continue to meet the consumer’s expectations?

Keynote hall:

Together with Wijnand Jongen, CEO Thuiswinkel.org, keynote speakers explore this question by presenting their vision, ideas and long-term strategies.

Presentation Hall:

In no less than 11 presentation halls, practical every-day questions will be addressed providing visitors with relevant and instantly applicable tips.


On the expo floor, you will find over 270 exhibitors providing e-commerce solutions in every field, ranging from e-commerce platforms and logistics to payment systems and marketing.


If you want to optimise your online activities and create bigger returns, then Webwinkel Vakdagen is the place to be. You can register as a visitor from November 2019.

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