Event:Smashing Conference
Location/City:Freiburg, Germany
Topic:UX, Conversion
Price to Attend:676-$2297


The 8th SmashingConf Freiburg — in our lovely hometown in Germany — will be taking place in the Historic Merchants’ Hall on September 9–10. With one track, two days, 13 speakers and 260 attendees, expect actionable insights for your work — right at the footsteps of the magical Black Forest.

We pour our heart into creating friendly, inclusive events that are focused on real-world problems and solutions. Our focus is on front-end and UX but we cover everything web, be it UI design or machine learning. The Freiburg edition is of course no exception.

SmashingConf is a friendly, inclusive event which is focused on real-world problems and solutions. 2 days, 1 track, 14 speakers, 300–400 attendees and a bunch of hands-on workshops.

Our speakers rarely show slides: they show how they work — their setup, techniques and shortcuts for getting work done in live interactive sessions. So expect everything from refactoring and debugging to sketching and redesign, live.

SmashingConf is focused on front-end and UX, but it covers everything web, be it interface design or machine learning. That means a packed bundle of diverse, actionable insights for your work.

Feel excited to join, but you think your manager could need just a little bit more persuasion? For more details, please visit our official website.


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