Standard Launch
Vendor:Ikhlas Alatas
Product:Affiliate Bonus Templates (ABT)
Launch Date:2018-Oct-13
Launch Time:11:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $19
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:PayDotCom 
Niche:Affiliate Marketing 

What is ABT?

ABT is Affiliate Bonus Templates. This is a collection of Templates Design that your customers can easily use to design their bonuses to attract visitors and get high conversion sales without any skills needed. Your customers can use it directly for every offer made. This ABT comes with various eye catching designs that will make your customer page look amazing. ABT is a collection of 300+ PPT Themes which are customizable templates with the main purpose of promoting Affiliate Products (although you can use them for whatever you promote)

Whatever you want to sell, you can use this template. And it can be adjusted, and above all, this template is built based on our experience, and we do it in our affiliate on JVzoo and PayDotCom.

With ABT All you have to do is fill in the description and picture! And you can customize the design according to your needs, you don’t need specific skills, monthly / paid software, just use POWERPOINT.

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