Standard Launch
Vendor:Magnus Ilechukwu
Product:How To Get Paid As A Writer In 48 Hours Or Less Even If You Are A Total Newbie
Launch Date:2013-May-15
Launch Time:10:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $7-$10
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:WarriorPlus 


A Cutting edge WSO shows how to make 4-figures per month with the simplest of all skills, WRITING.

This is a HIGH value product that your list will love! Earn 100% commission on the front-end and 50% commission on the OTO.


Front-end Offer: starts from $7 to cap at $9.95 and pays out 100% commission

Here’s what our customers get…


One Time Offer: $17 and pays 50% commission

This is a complete list of laser targeted handpicked resources and tools to set them on FastTrack to huge profits.

Here’s what our customers get…


This product is a complete pack of Detailed Training Materials, Resources and Tools needed to make 4-figures online with ZERO skill. It is perfect for both newbies and long-time marketers who can use an additional source of income… the strategy can easily be OUTSOURCED!



Front-end Offer:

One Time Offer (OTO):

Email Swipes:

Email Title #1:

Your Bonus: Content Money Magnet – PDF Report

Email Body #1:

Hey there,

If you’ve ever wanted to create an easy 4-figure income stream online, that can be cmpletely outsourced, then this is a Game-changer for you!

You see, the easiest way to create a new income stream online is to “Sell A Service”
A lot of persons have done it in the past… persons like Jason Fladlein, Tiffany Dow and Josh Spaulding.

But here’s the thing, to make $1000s every…single…month as a side income, you should focus on a proven strategy that:

– requires ZERO skills, and
– can be completely outsourced

In fact, you can download this bonus PDF report to discover exactly the service you need to sell, and how you can outsource everything and still bank Cold Cash every month (This is a detailed PDF report with a short video training)

PDF download =>

On Wednesday, I will let you in on some new smoking hot tools and resources you need to cash BIG with this strategy. These include a detailed PDF training, a training video and an action-steps PDF guide.

You simply can’t go wrong with this… So look out for my email on Wednesday.

Bonus PDF =>

All the best,


Email Title #1:

Why Jason Fladlein, Tiffany Dow and Josh Spaulding Started Online Doing This


Email Body #1:

Hey friend,

You see the easiest way to make money online is to put a swing to what you already know how to do.

This is why most of the top internet marketers started off cutting their teeth as writers.

Some of the names would surprise you really… Jason Fladlein, Tiffany Dow, Josh Spaulding, and many others.

Now these guys may have done this a while ago, but it surprises me to see that some internet marketers still make bank …on the sideline… with this commonest of all skills.

See what I mean:

Truth be told, the content strategy of most online business owners has changed. Online marketing is Driven by Content but it took most businesses the Panda and the Penguin to realize that. Fast-forward to 2013, we are now in the era where content marketing has claimed authority over other marketing methods, and businesses and entrepreneurs have started marketing content marketing the chief part of their marketing strategies.

The huge demand for content has created a multi-billion dollar market that will remain ever-green for years ahead, and here is how an internet marketer capitalized on this demand to bank extra $1,308 just last month.

See Proof here:

Imagine for a second you are able to create a fresh income stream that would bring in $1000+ monthly

Now imagine you can do this within 48 hours and start seeing results

Lastly, imagine you can easily outsource everything and create yourself a complete hands-off auto-pilot 4-figure monthly income stream

Well, I am glad to say that you don’t have to imagine anymore.

You don’t have experience, you don’t have a portfolio, you don’t know html or coding… ?

No problem! This is your answer:

I’d feel bad if I didn’t bring this to you…

I am sure you’ll love it.


P.S. I forgot to mention… this offer might just be pulled off the market any minute.

So grab it here while its available



Email Title #2:

$1,308 Just Last Month with ZERO Skills (Proof)

Email Body #2:

Hey friend,

The most common question I get from my subscribers is “How can I make consistent 4-figures online with ZERO Skills… without creating a squeeze page, learning html, wordpress troubleshooting, etc. ?”

In a sentence, here is your answer:

You see, from years of experience marketing online, I have come to believe that the easiest way to making 6-figures online is to create multiple income streams.

Problem is… it is always difficult to get a proven-strategy to guide you through a new market; most people don’t want to share what is working for them and it would cost you a lot of time and money to dabble between niches blindly.

But all that is about to change today!

Go and see how this simple system made $1,308 extra cold cash Just Last Month:

I’m sure you’ll love this.


P.S. I forgot to mention… this is system might be pulled off the market any minute.

So grab it here while its available


Bonus PDF: A 14 pages PDF report on why it is ripe to launch into the content creation industry now… With a short video training showing Where and How to outsource content creation at dirt cheap rates.

Click cover to download

on bonus page

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