Standard Launch
Vendor:Lifestyle Publishing
Product:Lead Science
Launch Date:2016-Jan-14
Launch Time:08:00 EST
Front-End Price: $17
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:Clickbank 
Niche:List Building 

Lead Science reveals techniques to get highly-targeted subscribers on your list. It bypasses the need for targeted advertising where you hope for a 1% or better click-through rate and better than 1% opt-in rate. You can specify the number of new subscribers you want and you only pay a very small fee when someone actually joins your list. You can also control how targeted your new subscribers will be. For example, you can go for a broad niche-focused audience or as LASER-focused as only subscribers interested in a specific product or offer.

Lead Science also includes a ton of bonus directly applicable to the Lead Science list-building concept. 

Finally, there is a Monthly Income Builder option built into the one-time offer. This is designed to allow vendors and affiliate marketers automatically build a growing monthly income while simultaneously getting unlimited worldwide banner and text advertising. Details of the Monthly Income Builder are covered in the first 3 videos on the Affiliate Resources page at

Any affiliate who signs up for the Monthly Income Builder (available on the Affiliate Resources page) will benefit greatly from the Lead Science launch and all my future launches (as well as any launches by other vendors who adopt the Monthly Income Builder OTO).

As explained in the 3 videos on the affiliate resources page, the Lead Science program is already set up in Clickbank in what I call “Phase 1” of the launch. I have not registered it in the Clickbank Marketplace or done any paid advertising. Affiliates who know about Lead Science could start promoting it now.

Phase 2 is the “pre-launch” which is scheduled for 14 January 2017. Phase 3 is the actual “Launch” date which is scheduled for 1 February 2017. The only difference between Phase 2 and 3 is I will add Lead Science to the Clickbank Marketplace and start my paid advertising on 1 Feb. This gives affiliates a chance to promote before the masses on Clickbank.

Lead Science includes 3 sales pages and 9 splash pages. The 3 sales pages include a traditional sales page, a infomercial type of sales page, and a List Building Report pre-sell page. Links for all these pages are easily generated using the form on the affiliate resources page (just below the 3 affiliate videos). There is also a link in the Link Generator section for anyone who wants to manually build their links or use Clickbank’s link encryptor (

In addition to the sales pages and splash pages, I have provided banners, 3 product images, text/classified ads, email ads, 2 videos that may be embedded on review or pre-sell pages, a customizable free report, and the ability to import my “100 Free Ways To Build Your List” email campaign for anyone using the Trafficwave autoresponder.

If you have any questions, please let me know.

Dr. Bryan Stoker
[email protected]


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