Standard Launch
Vendor:Steve Chase
Product:Survival Prepper Niche Video Packs [Volume 1]
Launch Date:2018-Mar-14
Launch Time:10:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $17
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:JVZoo 

Survival Prepper Niche Video Packs [Volume 1]

LAUNCH DATE:  March 14th, 2018

TIME:  10:00 am EST

Please check out all the detail on my JV Page:

Stop ignoring the multi-billion dollar niche in the room!  Millions of people every year spend money on survival and prepper products.

Help your subscribers tap into that market and earn up to $75 per sale each and every time.

This is Steve Chase and I’d like to invite you to join in my next video pack launch, Survival Prepper Niche Video Packs [Volume 1]

People are paranoid, and your list needs to sell to that paranoia.


By using the videos and tools in this funnel to market offers from Clickbank and Amazon to their customers.

This funnel starts with 15 brand new never before seen videos in 3 subniches of the survival and prepper niche and ends with 2 one-time payment offers for  lifetime access to softwares, one that creates video landing pages and another that creates video players.

Please click HERE for all the launch info, sign up for my JV notification list, apply for your very own affiliate link, and then be ready to clean up come March 14th at 10am EST.

Thanks for reading and considering this offer.

Have a great day!

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