Standard Launch
Vendor:Steve Benn
Product:Marketing Collection USB Pack
Launch Date:2019-Jul-31
Launch Time:11:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $37
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:JVZoo 

Buyers love to open things. Look at how popular unboxing videos area. Look at how much, in a digital age, people LOVE to order products online.

People anticipate the courier coming. What was just a product becomes an experience.

After a wildly successful internal launch to my own list, I’m now bringing my Marketing Collection USB stick to JVZOO for a three day launch.

Fron 11an July 31st to 11L59PM August 2nd, you are going to get 100% FE comms, over $100 up for grabs in commissions for every buyer (our internal launch average spend per customer was $89)

This is a unique offer that your list will love. This is a top paying offer that you will love.

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