Standard Launch
Vendor:Heri Rosyadi
Product:EzyBonusWP Plugin
Launch Date:2015-Dec-30
Launch Time:10:00 EST
Front-End Price: $17
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:JVZoo 

Hi JVs,

We have a really cool plugin to be released this 30th December 2015, 10 AM EST.

The plugin will help anyone to increase their product sales using automatic generated bonus page, not only for customer who own this plugin but they also can use this to generate the bonus page for affiliate/jv on a fly.

You can get the details here, including the demo video and the link to request your affiliate link.

I hope you can see the value in this product and how it will help your customers/subscribers and join this launch.

Your help will be much appreciated!


Heri Rosyadi

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