Standard Launch
Launch Date:2014-Jul-22
Launch Time:11:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $47/$97
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:JVZoo 

Software allows to easily set up and run a fully functional professional social network, which looks very similar to LinkedIn.

Unique features

– software is able to build and visualize connection chains (Six Degrees of Separation algorithm). Users can see how they’re connected to each other and pass messages along the chains;

– built-in application platform allows users to install apps right on their profile pages, and more.

Unique selling proposition 

Rather than focusing on becoming the next LinkedIn, one should focus their efforts in building a Professional Social Network that serves a purpose and unites the members of a particular niche. While Linkedin does have billions of users, one might be better off building a highly targeted audience of 300, rather than a fragmented audience of, say, 1 million.


We are not associated with LinkedIn in any way and refer to LinkedIn for marketing purposes only as a way to demonstrate that you can easily build a website similar to LinkedIn. We certify that the entire design and code has been developed by our own team of developers. No code, design or graphics has been used from the LinkedIn website. CovertIn software allows you to run a social networking website which is similar to LinkedIn.

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